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Alt 02/06/08, 17:33   #3
..TebessüM.. - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Üyelik tarihi: Feb 2008
Bulunduğu yer: $ehr-i Hüzün ..
Mesajlar: 1.943
Tecrübe Puanı: 31 ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of ..TebessüM.. has much to be proud of


Sağol paylaşım içinn

Bir ihtimâl daha var, o da ölmek mi dersin?
Söyle canım, ne dersin?
Vuslatın başka âlem, sen bir ömre bedelsin!


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